Lance Wallach, Managing Director, is the nation’s
leading expert on life insurance, annuities,
retirement & financial planning for business
executives, sports figures, entertainers, affluent
families and successful entrepreneurs.
Mr. Wallach is a member of the AICPA faculty of
teaching professionals, a frequent keynote speaker
at business conventions, a best selling financial
author, and a renowned national financial expert in
many court cases.
Some of Mr. Wallach best selling financial & law
books are:
* “Wealth Preservation Planning” by the National
Society of Accountants
* “The CPA’s Guide to Federal & Estate Gift
Taxation” published by Bisk
* The AICPA’s “The team approach to Tax,
Financial & Estate planning.”
* “The CPA’s Guide to Life Insurance” by Bisk
* Avoiding Circular 230 Malpractice Traps and
Common Abusive Small Businesss Hot spots by
the AICPA, author/moderator Lance Wallach
The Lance Wallach advantage is credibility, experience & trust !!
Many advisory firms offer financial planning and investment services,
but the difference is that Lance Wallach wrote the books on Life
Insurance, Financial & Estate planning that the other consultants
learned from!
If you want to sleep soundly at night, don’t go to the students for your
financial answers, go to the one who teaches them, Lance Wallach!
For the past 25 years, successful businesses and individuals have
turned to Lance Wallach and his team for assistance, and they are
glad they did!
When you choose the
Lance Wallach team, you
are on the winning team !
Copyright (C) 2009 Lance Wallach
All rights reserved